Cherwell District Council (CDC) has recently updated the planning portal with a huge amount of additional information prepared by OUFC's agents, Ridge. This is in response to requests from CDC for more information about the proposal. The new information can be seen in the "Supporting Docs" tab of the planning application - look for items with a date in 12/2024.
We have been advised by Cherwell that the consultation ends formally on 8th February 2025. Once we have read the new planning documents we will ask you to support us by responding to this phase of the consultation but please wait for our guidance before doing so. Meanwhile if you would like to look at some of the key documents, they are listed below:
- ES Addendum Volume 3 Appendix 10.1 Taa Part 1 (Transport Assessment - Addendum December 2024, 161 pages)
- ES Addendum Volume 3 Appendix 10.2 Revised Match Day Travel Plan (MATCH DAY INTERIM TRAVEL PLAN, 73 pages)
- ES Addendum Volume 1 Chapter 8 Ecology (update to the Ecology chapter of the February 2024 ES, 16 pages)
- ES Addendum Volume 3 Appendix 8.1 Ecology Technical Appendix (Ecology Solutions' ES addendum, 100 pages)
- ES Addendum Volume 3 Appendix 8.2 Bng Update (Ecology Solutions' updated Biodiversity Net Gain assessment, 23 pages)
- Illustrative Landscape Masterplan (map of proposed stadium, 1 page)
Thank you for your continued support!