FoSB Legal Challenge
As you know, we've received legal advice that Oxfordshire County Council's consultation regarding the Triangle site was unlawful. The County Council's response to our initial letter before claim is disappointing and they have failed to engage in the good practice that is the purpose of the Pre-action Protocol for a Judicial Review. Regrettably, it looks like legal action may be our only option to ensure a fair and lawful process regarding this potential sale of our public Green Belt. More on this soon once we've considered our next steps.
Kidlington Parish Council is failing to represent residents' views
We're very concerned about Kidlington Parish Council's (KPC's) failure to respond to Oxfordshire County Council’s consultation on the Triangle. KPC has not responded to the consultation, but has instead come up with just 4 ‘concerns’ it has regarding the proposals. This is fewer than the 6 concerns/questions it had in October 2022 - despite the clear results of the Kidlington Parish Poll!
This isn't good enough. The terms of reference of KPC’s Policy & Finance Subcommittee include responding to major consultations. This is the statement FoSB gave to KPC’s Policy & Finance Subcommittee at its meeting on Thursday, 3 August.
KPC also doesn't seem to be properly representing residents' views as made clear in the Kidlington Parish Poll results: local residents said NO to a stadium. KPC's minutes from June 2023 seem to imply that Oxford United's proposals WILL proceed once KPC's objections have been addressed! And despite failing to respond to the consultation, KPC is now seeking a last minute meeting with OUFC. Presumably, to talk about how its 'concerns' could be overcome.
OUFC has had its chance to provide information. We suspect that KPC's ongoing procrastination of adopting a position on the stadium is simply a delaying tactic to avoid making a decision to oppose the stadium (possibly to avoid lost votes from upsetting OUFC supporters?!). If the Parish Council doesn't see the results of the Parish Poll as valid, they should've done their own survey. They haven't, so the Kidlington Parish Poll results must be respected.
We've raised our concerns with KPC and will share any response we receive.
Dates for your diary
KPC is expected to decide its final position on the stadium at the full council meeting on 7th September.
Oxfordshire County Council is expected to decide on the stadium proposals at its Cabinet meeting on 19th September.
P.s. The Triangle is 'blooming' lovely
Are you interested in actively supporting our campaign?
FoSB is always on the lookout for additional support in running our Stop the Stadium - Keep the Gap campaign .
Please let us know if you could join FoSB meetings, attend local council meetings, act as a spokesperson, design campaign material, or anything else.
All help is gratefully received as we take this campaign forward.
Please get in touch if you're interested in getting involved in any way.
by email:
or phone: 07917 739 846
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PLEASE encourage your friends and neighbours to join our mailing list. If each of our supporters could add one new member it would double our
membership and help us to reach more people. Leafleting is expensive and time consuming so we need build our email database.
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If you know likely supporters who are not 'on the internet' please encourage them to phone 07917 739 846 or write via our PO box - FoSB Unit 116132, PO Box 7169, Poole, BH15 9EL and we'll keep them informed.