Strategic Priority 1:

“Maintaining a green barrier between Oxford and Kidlington and protecting and enhancing the surrounding environment including biodiversity, connecting habitats and supporting nature recovery”

Respond ‘Does not address the priority’

Complete the free text box to explain your concerns using the information below to help you.


  • The Triangle is a Green Belt site - a stadium and a hotel are inappropriate development (National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) s.149). We are unclear why OCC proposed this site in the first place. It is against the Local Plan for the area.

  • The so-called green barrier is TINY and includes the Kidlington Roundabout. It is LOCATED ENTIRELY WITHIN KIDLINGTON PARISH! The so-called ‘Green Barrier’ Oxford United is proposing divides Kidlington and Kidlington, does not act as a barrier between Kidlington and Oxford.

  • A space accessible to 16,000 football fans won’t support much biodiversity – the site is already rich in wildlife and biodiverse, possibly with protected species.

  • Commitments by OUFC have to be viewed with scepticism due to its ongoing lack of financial resources.

  • How precisely will a biodiversity net gain of 10 -20% be achieved?

  • How can building a 16,000-capacity stadium, car park and 200-bed hotel, and allowing regular access to thousands of people leave the wildlife habitat in a better state and aid nature recovery?

  • How can a green roof possibly compensate for loss of feeding habitat for wildlife e.g. bats?

  • Moveable planters as a way to enhance biodiversity on an already biodiverse site is pretty absurd.

  • How exactly does the project aim to connect the stadium to the wider countryside and villages (what countryside and what villages exactly?). 

  • If what is required is a footpath crossing the triangle from Parkway to Stratfield Brake why can that not be negotiated with the current leaseholder?

  • The area at the north of the site is currently scrub and a valuable area for wildlife – but this is where the public plazas will be.