Strategic Priority 2:

“Improving public access to high-quality nature and green spaces”

Respond ‘Does not address the priority’

Complete the free text box to explain your concerns using the information below to help you.

Consider if the proposed community benefits could be provided without the involvement of OUFC or without building a stadium in the area

  • OUFC’s suggestion that the woodland is poorly managed and diseased is misleading.

  • The site is not currently accessible because Oxfordshire County Council has leased it to a tenant!  But we like the way it is managed and think it would be possible to increase access to the site as it is – rich in wildlife and biodiversity.  In fact the Council should be positively enhancing its use (NPPF s.145).

  • It isn’t possible to increase high-quality nature by opening up an area to 16,000 football fans!

  • Exactly how much green space will there be (we think not much) and what will it look like? 

  • A potential footbridge is not a footbridge and does not improve access!

  • Exactly how will a 10% increase in biodiversity be achieved?  This isn’t just about flora, it's about fauna too.  What about protected species?

  • What woodland is (supposedly) being enhanced?

  • How does planting trees, shrubs and landscaped gardens enhance a woodland?

  • What chance does a publicly accessible wildflower meadow at the north of the site have with 16,000 fans in the area?