Strategic Priority 3:

“Enhancing inclusive facilities for local sports groups and on-going financial support”

Respond ‘Does not address the priority’

Complete the free text box to explain your concerns using the information below to help you.

Consider if the proposed community benefits could be provided without the involvement of OUFC or without building a stadium in the area

  • Beware of OUFC pledges!  There is no evidence to suggest that the club will be properly financed so all commitments/pledges/partnerships/opportunities/aims should be viewed with scepticism!

  • It is up to our councils to maintain Stratfield Brake Sports Ground!  They have the funding and we don’t need OUFC for this.

  • Cherwell District Council has a Sports Strategy – we don’t need one from OUFC!

  • How will any commitments made by OUFC be enforced if/when OUFC defaults?