Strategic Priority 4:

“Significantly improving the infrastructure connectivity in this location, improving public transport to reduce the need for car travel in so far as possible, and to improve sustainable transport through increased walking, cycling, bus and rail use”

Respond ‘Does not address the priority’

Complete the free text box to explain your concerns using the information below to help you.

Consider if the proposed community benefits could be provided without the involvement of OUFC or without building a stadium in the area

  • The proposal states that “It is important to note that the details of the Travel Plan is a matter for the planning process in collaboration with the statutory planning and highway authorities and engagement will be undertaken in the next phase of engagement by Oxford United Football Club’. The lack of a detailed travel plan/ traffic and crowd management plan is a fundamental flaw - how can the County approve the proposal without this information?

  • The Kidlington roundabout is a known traffic bottleneck. The existing roads were never designed to serve the needs of a large sporting venue.
  • The so-called sustainable travel plan includes use of the Park & Rides to enable fans to travel by car.  Water Eaton and Peartree P&R will be full. What about shoppers who want to use the P&R on Saturdays!  What impact will this have on Oxford’s struggling businesses?
  •  The club intends to reach agreements over any parking restrictions needed in Kidlington and Summertown with the relevant councils .

  • Everyone within about a one and a half mile radius (possibly more) will likely have to have a Residents Parking Scheme which doesn’t allow parking on Saturdays. 

  • If you regularly park on the road outside your home you may have to pay an annual fee.
  • OUFC want to use the stadium 365 days a year for events so parking problems won’t just be confined to Saturdays.
  • OUFC state they ‘recognise concerns in Kidlington about parking management’. But what about North Oxford and Summertown?
  • Realistically the club can’t stop fans parking in local roads or the P&R.  Incentives are likely to be ineffective.  More traffic, more congestion, more pollution….
  • How will crowd and traffic flows be managed safely without bringing traffic to a standstill?
  • The club says that the traffic management plan is likely to include closing the Oxford Road southbound for short periods to allow fans to walk to & from the stadium. This is a busy area (and getting busier with 2,000 homes coming to the immediate area).
  • There will be coach and bus drop off on site. The plans suggest vehicle access will only be via Frieze Way. This will add to pressure on the Kidlington roundabout.
  •  Is it reasonable to expect people to cycle to the ground when in all probability bus and cycle lanes will be taken out for marshalling pedestrians?
  • Everyone coming on foot /via rail or using the P&R HAS to cross the Oxford road. The pavements are narrow. They cannot be widened where  the road crosses the A34. The new controlled crossings will be very busy.
  • Is a ‘potential’ footbridge at this location even feasible? Would people use it? Together with the stadium it would dominate the view as you approach to Kidlington from the south and detract from any remaining 'green barrier'.
  • Given the restricted access to the Triangle what arrangements will be made to segregate visiting supporters if necessary?