Strategic Priority 6:

“Increasing education and innovation through the provision of an accessible sports centre of excellence and facilities linked to elite sport, community sport, health and wellbeing”


Respond ‘Does not address the priority’

Complete the free text box to explain your concerns using the information below to help you.

Consider if the proposed community benefits could be provided without the involvement of OUFC or without building a stadium in the area

  • How much use will local sports and community groups really get from the stadium?
  • Who will fund this?  The stadium is going to be funded with money ‘from the markets’.  Investors will want a return on their investment and will want to save money elsewhere.  Will community work be the first casualty?
  • Is this just another commitment that can’t be enforced when the going gets tough?
  • The stadium doesn’t need to be on Green Belt to enable OUFC to continue its charity work – we have heard many times about the existing charitable initiatives the club runs in Kidlington and elsewhere.