As many of you have told us, the consultation run by Oxfordshire County Council was confusing and avoided key questions. It also relied on poor quality and unverified information from Oxford United. Following legal advice, we have issued a letter before claim to the Council to ask them to explain exactly why OUFC has lost the right to renew its licence agreement and what will happen to the Kassam Stadium if the club leave. We have asked that the Council repeat the consultation once this information has been provided. We have also reserved the right to amend the grounds of challenge, based on the Council's response and any further matters that come to light.
The news has already been picked up by BBC news and other media organisations. See:
BBC News - Oxford United: Legal challenge over new football club stadium site
Thanks to the donors who helped make this possible
Thank you to the very generous donors who contributed towards the cost of legal advice and the initial letter. We are now awaiting a response from the Council before we decide next steps.
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FoSB is always on the lookout for additional support in running our Stop the Stadium - Keep the Gap campaign .
Please get in touch if you're interested in getting involved in any way.
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membership and help us to reach more people. Leafleting is expensive and time consuming so we need build our email database.
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