Dear Friends
We've been campaigning against the stadium for nearly two years now. There have been major successes, for example the County Council's withdrawal of Stratfield Brake as an option. The Council has also recently told OUFC that the Oxford Road cannot be closed/disrupted. We believe this poses significant challenges for fan transport to/from the site. OUFC's timeline for opening the stadium in 2026 included submitting a planning application in October 2023. So far as we're aware at the time of writing, no application has been made. We assume this may be happen in the new year, but the Club must have a Plan B.
Our campaign will continue into 2024, and our strategy is likely to include pursuing legal action at the planning stage if necessary. We have no desire to see Oxford United fail: we know how much the club means to its fans. But the club's owners, with deep pockets, must look for a different site - preferably the one that it already occupies. The Triangle is clearly unsuitable - it's too small, too wet and the area is already too congested. Last week the site was seriously flooded, to a depth of 28cm in places. All of this water has to go somewhere. Concreting the site is going to make matters worse, not better. Currently the Triangle acts as a natural soakaway (as shown by these recent pictures).
There will be general and local elections in 2024 and we intend to make the stadium an election issue. All surveys including the Parish Poll and Layla Moran's, have shown that the majority of local residents are opposed to the stadium. We need action from our politicians, not platitudes. When the opportunity arises, please be sure to let your election candidates know your views on the stadium.
We thank all of you for everything you have done to support the campaign.
With best wishes for Christmas and the New Year
Friends of Stratfield Brake
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