Despite the decisive NO result in the recent Kidlington Parish Poll, we’re disappointed to report that Kidlington Parish Council (KPC) has decided to maintain its neutral stance towards the stadium proposal - for now.
Our spokesperson Victoria Campbell addressed KPC’s meeting on 18th May and asked the Council to listen to residents and oppose the stadium (read the full statement here). The parish council declined, but noted the
result is ‘significant’ and reinforces the need for residents to be properly consulted once detailed plans are released.
At Oxfordshire County Council (OCC)’s Cabinet meeting on 23rd May, OCC councillors approved the next stages of the process which could lead to an agreement for OCC to sell/lease the Triangle to OUFC in September 2023. This would be followed by a planning application. We have very serious concerns around how OCC is managing this process and many important questions remain unanswered.
FoSB calls on OCC and KPC to respect the results of the parish poll.
Provided that OUFC supply detailed information to OCC in time, we expect Oxfordshire County Council to run its planned consultation exercise from 5th June to 23rd July 2023. We have lobbied OCC hard to make sure this is
(1) a secure consultation that won’t allow multiple responses from one source;
(2) that it reaches all areas likely to be impacted by the stadium; and
(3) that it accurately records the location of those who respond.
We will be providing a suggested ‘how to’ guide as soon as possible to help with your consultation response.
Please don’t complete the consultation until you’ve received this!
Our campaign to save the Triangle continues - and remember that we don’t think Stratfield Brake will ever be safe if OUFC lease/buy the Triangle. But we urgently need your help to compete with OCC and OUFC who each have paid teams working to promote the stadium. We are are seeking volunteers who can help run the campaign, whether helping to manage social media pages, our website, mail list, write letters, create flyers, distribute leaflets or anything else.
Can YOU support our work? PLEASE get in touch if so.
OR phone 07917 739 846.
MORE LEAFLETS TO DELIVER ! - volunteers needed
We are very grateful to everyone who has already helped with the leaflet campaigns – they are proving very effective.
- but we need to keep them going!
We’re planning a leaflet drop to inform local communities surrounding Kidlington about the forthcoming OCC consultation.
Can you help deliver leaflets in the next couple of weeks?
PLEASE encourage your friends and neighbours to join our mailing list. If each of our supporters could add one new member it would double our membership and help us to reach more people. Leafleting is expensive and time consuming so we need build our email database.
Sign up to our mailing list here:
If you know likely supporters who are not 'on the internet' please enourage them to phone 07917 739 846 or write via our PO box - FoSB Unit 116132, PO Box 7169, Poole, BH15 9EL and we'll keep them informed.